
Creator of Mobile Legends


Mobile Legends in the Philippines

There are a lot of Filipinos who play Mobile Legends and I am one of them.

About Mobile Legends

Loud and clear that there are many Mobile Legends players all over the world.  For me it is a stress reliever. (if you win most of the time)

Rafaela (Mobile Legends)

This hero is a very good healer. This hero can stay in the lane during the entire game if used correctly. It's healing skill is also a benefit for the team. Build defensive items and it can make Rafaela into a tank and a setter of clash.

Minotaur (Mobile Legends)

This hero is the very tanky Minotaur. Picking the first skill for Minotaur is good for creep shot and then immediately pick the heal. This would make Minotaur stay in the lane, and also its passive would be a benefit in a one on one situation. Sprint is a spell better for Minotaur for pursuing heroes and escaping in clash if you are in low HP. During clash you should be in front of your teammates so the enemies will focus you, build defensive items so you can endure the damages of the enemies, if you're dying activate sprint escaping the possible death. By that time, your teammates will be able to hit the, in the faces without being hit. 

Lancelot (Mobile Legends)

This hero is a very good hero if fully mastered.  Lancelot is not that tanky so it is safe to choose Heal spell. Pick the second skill first because its aerial damage is good for creep shot and a slight damage for the enemy at the right timing in early game. Lancelot is an early game hero, and can roam in all the lanes after pushing the top lane. Maximizing the second skill first is good for escaping and killing enemies because of its wide range damage and invulnerability while casting the skill. Build cooldown reduction items for spamming, its skill is designed for getting in the clash in escaping, thus making the enemy waste their skills for you. Also don't forget to build defense items like Oracle and then complete the recommended items.